Thank God that Donald Trump, the conservative outsider, is now leading the Republican Party. Perhaps he can change the party to return to its conservative roots, and get rid of all the RINOS who have been infiltrating the party and sabotaging its mission!

Founded in 2004, the conservative, independent Barracuda Party® is comprised of patriotic, albeit incensed Americans who are sick and tired of Washington insiders on BOTH SIDES of the aisle who have NOT been working for the people for at least forty years! Republicans and DemocratsRepublocRATs — have conspired to control policy in America that primarily benefitted themselves and their lobbyist/globalist constituents — NOT the American people. Washington, or the DEEP STATE, is comprised of the entire government including the entire Democratic Party and way too many members of the Republican Party, the ABC agencies, as well as evil billionaires and globalists intent on destroying America and transforming it into a totalitarian state, taking away the freedoms, safety and values that made the United States of America the greatest country to ever exist.

The 2020 election, fraught with fraud, made it clear to patriots that they had to unite to restore decency, freedom, and safety in America in 2024—by voting to overwhelmingly re-elect Donald Trump as President to overthrow the most evil, controlling, DemocRAT communist regime. The Barracuda Party® is thrilled and relieved that Donald Trump heroically withstood the attacks and lies about him, to run for the presidency again—so he could Make America Great Again!

If you want yourself, your children and your grandchildren to live in a civilized, safe, FREE America, dive into the independent waters of the Barracuda Party®!

Through conservative stewardship, the long-term goal of the Barracuda Party® is to help restore conservative policies, promote conservative values, restore law and order, public safety, and American preeminence! Thus, our slogan: Citizens United for Decency in America (CUDA).

Because the current, dominant conservative party is the Republican Party, Barracudas will support the Republican Party while trying to influence Republican candidates with our policy ideas. The Leftist/globalist agenda must be eradicated so America can remain a sovereign nation—free from political influence by evil, unelected globalist individuals and organizations.

Independence Day Parade


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