
With fierce determination, the independent Barracuda Party® is dedicated to preserving the Constitution and Capitalism. We are prepared to defend conservative values, our freedom and safety for all citizens. Our mission is to restore Decency in America — and maintain America’s preeminence.

The Democratic/Socialists are the most dangerous threat to the future of America.  Their utter dishonesty and misleading narratives, destructive woke agenda, unpopular unAmerican policies, and unhinged, irrational behavior are antithetical to the values of our founding fathers. In 2020, their highly organized, violent tactics and coordinated riots should have been enough to bring about the demise of the DemocRATic Party. But because so many of America’s youth—and adults have been brainwashed by a corrupt, Deep-State-controlled media and public education system, leftists accept violent behavior as a means to their end. This kind of anarchy is not ‘Peaceful Protesting’ and must be abolished using any legal force necessary.

The roots of the civil war being waged in America.  It began in the late 1970's and has been escalating ever since. That civil war began as a war of civility. DemocRATs and globalists destroyed the church and family. Common decency, integrity, sacrifice, truthfulness, accountability and respect for those around us have become so out of style that those virtues have to be re-taught to the American citizenry. Universities and their Leftist professors have been indoctrinating our youth with Communist propaganda for decades. Lefties and insane Globalists have been planning for America’s demise for decades. The election of the greatest president in U.S. history, Donald Trump, triggered them to unleash an all-out assault on Trump and his supporters—US! These ‘satanists’ are truly evil and will stop at nothing to destroy America and our way of life. This isn’t far-fetched—it is happening now!

Our civil war is being fueled by the propagation of violence and vulgarity in our popular culture.  This social disintegration is partly a result of the self-obsessed "me generation"—including a narcissistic obsession with social media, a damaging liberal public school system, America's dependence on drugs (aided by our own government), the glorification of greed, our youth’s fixation on violent video games, big tech-government-directed censorship, and irresponsible parenting. These key factors are negatively affecting our nation's social fabric. Too many children are not being properly guided in the basic rules of etiquette required in a civilized society. Their addiction to a computer screen has left them socially inept. Gen Z are literally afraid to communicate via talking on the phone! And many children are not being nurtured to become educated, confident, productive, responsible citizens.  Adults have forgotten what it is to be polite and civil.  Politicians have embraced the accumulation of personal wealth and power over making honest decisions that benefit the good of the entire nation. Today, DemocRAT leaders have allowed Leftist, anti-American groups to vilify the police and attack “white people” for being racists, when in reality, it is these Leftist organizations that are the dispicable RACE BAITERS. Police are quitting because they cannot do their jobs without being concerned about being prosecuted themselves. This has emboldened the uncivilized among us to engage in violence like America has never seen before.

It's time to start the pendulum swinging back. Decent, hard working, law abiding citizens are fed up with the direction the country is headed and believe it's time to bite back! WE ARE AT WAR. To win this war, conservatives need a strong, politically sophisticated, highly aggressive leader—like Donald Trump, to combat and eradicate the present day enemies of the American people.

What is decency?  Decency is possessing the qualities of being honest, respectable, polite and conforming to recognized standards of proper behavior indicative of a civilized people that have reached a high social development. The Left is comfortable promoting an uncivilized world because they think (wrongly) that it is too hard for their constituents to live up to the educational and behavioral standards of a civilized society. RUBBISH! The Left needs to BE MORE: Responsible, Educated, Disciplined, Non-Violent and DECENT!

Without a return to common DECENCY, America is destined to be ruled — and ruined — by an unjust, uncivilized, anti-American communist culture.  It is the hope and goal of the Barracuda Party® to bring about a change in America's citizens — and politicians — by seeking to restore the virtues, ideals and patriotism that made the United States of America the greatest country in the history of the world. It is time to reverse our degenerate society.


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